Hello AT&T ERG’s,

Thank you for all you continue to do to help us share our hiring updates and connect with all applicable candidates to hire.

Please share this information on our upcoming hiring event with all you know seeking great career employment, your social networks (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), community contacts, newsletters and all applicable. I included the flyer photo for you to please help post on your social media networks too.

Feel free to contact me directly if I too may be of assistance to you, your referrals and/or if you have any questions and/or need further information about any of these positions.  My direct email is: [email protected] and direct line is: 404-862-8062. Feel free to also share my contact info with your referrals to reach out to me directly if I can be of help to them with these opportunities.

I am happy to help you and your referrals anytime. Thank you.

Thank You,

Michelle Bailey