We had great participation and attendance for our iCount discussion with AT&T Chief Privacy Officer Tom Moore on March 16th. If you missed the “iCount and Opt-In: What it Really Means” call, please review the recording. Reminder – this topic is not only for AT&T Veteran members – but, ALL VETERANS who are EMPLOYEES of AT&T, so please share the recording link and pass-code with your veteran peers. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/iUjpB02E-LMlGfEuxGmwr_GAmDwtcKi_capZENXZh4_mu989D32006v0wK–zE-W.b5oyK2-5hSjxTkGh Pass-code: 6%2a*?8s

Many of you shared that the program was explained effectively and you went ahead and opted-in during the presentation. Remember this program is completely voluntary; should you still have questions about self-reporting as a protected veteran and/or opting-in to be recognized please reach out.

In addition to the iCount information I would like to highlight our discussion during the Q&A portion. Several great questions were asked that continually reinforce the significant role we have as veteran advocates for all of you. In addition to internal support (networking, mentoring, preparing for tomorrow) and external support (community events and partnering with veteran organizations), we are willing to help assist you in other areas as well. One question involved a situation where it was difficult to know how to help a veteran co-worker who needed assistance. We have received somewhat similar situations involving disputed disability claims , benefits and instances where HR policies conflict with an extended annual training for current reservists. There are certainly no guarantees but, if you or a veteran you know is struggling with anything military issues please consider reaching out to us. Our team has over 6800 members across company and we’ve built and continue to build key relationships throughout. There is a very good chance you are not alone; you won’t know if you don’t ask.

Thanks again for your participation. The Executive Board is here to serve you and we welcome your feedback – good, bad or indifferent, we only get better together.