We recently announced our three new Executive Board officers: CMO – Kristin Duffy, COO – Chaz Palisoc AND CTO – Gregory Leonardo.  Please join me in welcoming each of them.

On a recent Top 5 call, one of our members, who recently returned from deployment and retired, shared his experience adjusting to civilian life. These are two events that I (along with many) can relate with.  The ERG is exploring how best we can share “our” stories throughout our organization.  I fully recognize and respect that this can be very personal and your reluctance to share, however, I hope if we are able to start small with a few volunteers, I am confident there is much to gain from this.  Our shared experiences is one of the main threads that connect us to each other as veterans.  Regardless of circumstances, all of us have a story and I would argue something of benefit to share with others.

We need and welcome your feedback on how we move forward.  A few ideas – hold internal panel discussions to learn more about each other’s experiences.  How were you, your family, your job impacted from this?  How did you get through it – or is this still a challenge? The ATT Veterans ERG is a learning organization where we learn from each other and continuously improve – how do we leverage all of our combined knowledge into helping each other?  Please think about this and share your thoughts.

Along the same lines, I recently attend the first planning call for an upcoming webinar on Mental Health, that we are jointly hosting with the Inter-Tribal Council of AT&T Employees (ICAE) ERG. This is scheduled for November 9th. We discussed several topics such as suicide awareness during the holiday season and what are the steps employees should take if they are struggling. This even will include Dr. Connie (Connie Siciliano Avila) of Premise Health who is located in Dallas and within our EAP network. More information will be sent out soon. As with my previous ask, if there is a topic you believe we need to address, feel free to share.

As always, thank you for all you do for our organization and your continued support to our great members, communities and veterans.